Exercises for Covid fear and anxiety from Chiropractic First on Vimeo. We hold different emotions in our bodies in different ways. The way your body holds the tension of the anxiety you feel around reopening is going to be very different than the way your body holds the fear you have, or had, about Covid. […]
Archive by Author
Cultivating ease in the midst of stress
Are there times when you feel like you are alternating between stressed-out anxiety and disconnected depression? Anxiety, depression and connection are the three neurological states in Porges’ polyvagal theory. You may have heard the term polyvagal theory. It is starting to become more commonly used in yoga, psychotherapy and also by people posting on Instagram. […]
Steps I am taking to prepare for the Covid vaccine
Follow link for Dr. Meggie’s 5-minute video on the topic: https://vimeo.com/508586008 There are specific steps I am taking to prepare for the covid vaccine, I’ll share them below. Some background on why I am preparing. When you get the covid vaccine, or any vaccine, your immune system is challenged to respond to the contents of […]
How can Chiropractic Care Help with Stress Related Weight Loss?
We all know chiropractic care makes our joints, muscles, and bones feel better, but how much more can it do? A lot…indirectly! If all Chiropractors do is “move” bones and joints, then why do patients come back reporting improvements in sleep, mood, and energy levels? The reason: the nervous system. Chiropractors address misalignments in the […]
Empowering Wellness Gift Guide for the Holiday Season
A friend recently sent me a “wellness” product that she saw on Instagram. Would this crystal necklace really do all the things it claimed it would? Would it do anything at all? I told her that I wasn’t sure. The problem with all those wellness gifts is that we as humans are hardwired for healing. […]
Coronavirus Resources
In this time of Coronavirus we need to address our mental and emotional hygiene, as well as our physical health. Fear and stress can have a very negative impact on our immune system. We need to keep our immune systems strong! While you are washing your hands, here are some visualizations to do and mantras […]
Get more connected to what is in your heart.
Or just stretch out your chest after a long day in front of a computer!Meggie created this exercise as both a meditation and a way to stretch out your shoulders, chest and upper back. Come for the stretching, stay for the heart opening.
The 4 Types of Tension
In these 3 videos Meggie covers the 4 types of tension
Decrease Sensory Sensitivity
Sensory sensitivity is a sign of a nervous system that is overwhelmed. There is a new ad campaign in Chicago of billboards saying “Sensory sensitivity is sign of Autism.” Chiropractic First helps a lot of children with sensory sensitivity, and most of those children do not have Autism Spectrum Disorder. Sensory sensitivity can be a […]
Please Avoid this Gift
As you are shopping this holiday season, please, please avoid buying, using or exposing your family to synthetically scented candles and other synthetic scented products like body lotion and bath products. There are plenty of studies on the toxic effects of synthetically scented products, but clinically I can tell you fragrances can wreak havoc […]