Often times people with similar symptoms come into health care offices in bunches. Carolyn Myss, an author and gifted medical intuitive, suggests that this happens so that doctors can learn more about the presentation and healing of a set of symptoms. Maybe that is why, or maybe it is simply that we start looking for […]
Archive by Author
Life Transformation & Yoga
By Yoli Maya Yeh There has never been a time like the present moment in human evolution and growth on the planet. Thanks to the industrialization, modernization and the massive rate of information exchange, humans have the most input, experiences and sensory information to process then ever before. We are amazingly adaptive beings whose bodies, […]
Experience More Life
When you think about health, do you think about feeling more of your body, or less? Do you think about being more present to your physical experiences, or less? Before you began chiropractic care, you may have thought that you would be healthy once you stopped feeling certain things. You might have thought you would […]
Living According to The Seasons
By Yoli Maya Yeh Yoga and Ayurveda are both ancient traditions that teach about the health and wellness of mind and body. They we both written down around 3000 BCE but are even older than 5000 years, as oral traditions. That’s a lot of time to innovate ideas of how this body works in accordance […]
A Daily Meditation
“The River of Life” Looking for a way to be more present in your daily life and with your family? At the end of the day, during dinner with your partner, or in the car on the way home from school, ask these four questions: -Where today was I inspired by something or someone? -Where […]
The Busier You Are, the More You Need Sleep
by Yoli Maya Yeh, Yoga Therapist Is sleep just another thing on your to-do list to get done? Is it in the first slot or way down the list? When you do sleep do you feel rested? Do you have an easy time getting to sleep? If these questions have made you reflect on your […]