Don’t get sick this winter. Do these things instead. Get a chiropractic adjustment. Chiropractic can help your immune system. If you are sick, or people around you are, come get adjusted. Don’t cancel your appointment due to illness. We can put you in the private exam room. And we have masks if you would like […]
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RSS feed for this sectionHormones all over the place?
What is going on with my hormones?! Is it perimenopause? The past few weeks have been punctuated by more and more conversations about late periods, emotional fluctuations and other unexpected hormonal symptoms. I’m not sure what is going on, but if you are feeling like your hormones are totally out of whack, you are not […]
Gratitude and Pharmaceuticals
Taking medication can be an emotionally fraught experience. It can bring up feelings of guilt or shame or failure. Without negating those feelings, I invite you to take a different approach. Could you approach that medication with a sense of gratitude, peace or joy? Consider decorating the bottle with pictures or phrases of positive affirmation. […]
What is a Subluxation?
Chiropractors help people heal by removing what we call subluxations. But what is that? Originally, many people thought that subluxations were when bones in the spine were “out of place” or misaligned. Chiropractors thought that this put pressure on the nerves exiting the spine. When people talk about “pinched nerves” they are thinking in terms […]
A breathing exercise to help with polarity
“‘I have polarities, rhythms, and diffrerences within me. I have parts that have not talked with each other for some time.’ That is the extent of the understanding necessary in this stage of healing.”-Donald M. Epstein, author of The 12 Stages of Healing In Donald Epstein’s model of healing, Stage 2 specifically addresses the notion […]
Getting the Sleep You Need During Summer Travels
Summer is in full swing. You may be finally doing some traveling! However, your body might not be as excited about the changes that come with travel. The stiff neck after a long flight, the aching back from an unfamiliar sleeping situation, and the countless anxieties that come with change can take a toll on your body, […]
Tools to Help with Fear and Anxiety
Image courtesy of Emma Moss Fear, anxiety and overwhelm overcome us all from time to time. The state of the world or of our communites can bring these feelings to the forefront. Below are 3 powerful but quick exercises you can do to help calm yourself. You can teach them to your kids or other […]
You may feel worse now that things are getting better
Though you may not have heard of the “let-down effect,” you probably are experiencing it right this minute! After you experience a large and prolonged stressor, like caregiving for a loved one or remote schooling your children during a pandemic, your inclination is probably to crash and rest as soon as the stress is over. […]
Healing the Ones You Love
Families share. They share meals, clothes, and sometimes a whole lot more. Children pick up their belief systems about the world from their primary caregivers within their formative years. They also pick up stress, anxiety, joy and peace. When a child has pain, tension or is acting out, it’s possible that the child is responding […]
Carrying Someone Else’s Stuff?
We have all been experiencing a great deal of heaviness over the past year and a half. But how much of what you are feeling is truly yours? In the last blog post Meggie mentioned that sometimes your own grief will wake you up at 3am, but sometimes your response to someone else’s grief will […]