3 Emotions That Get Stuck in Your Body

Your emotions exist in your body. These “molecules of emotion” are the reason that drugs, alcohol and food can impact your mood in such powerful ways. It is also why chiropractic care can play such a major role in improving your mood. Emotions tend to be associated with specific organs. Here are the three most […]


Is Your Pillow Causing Your Neck Pain?

Waking up with a sore neck, headache or tightness in your shoulders or back can be common. Luckily, it’s a problem that is often very easily rectified. Here’s what you need to do: In addition to chiropractic care, you should check your pillow. Whether you have neck pain or lower back pain, the problem may […]

How to use gratitude to reduce stress

As the holiday stress is upon us, one good daily practice is to cultivate an attitude of gratitude to stay focused on the good parts of the holiday season! Here are some great suggestions for developing a gratitude practice from my good friend, neuropsychologist Dr. Jennifer Medina, who specializes in mindfulness and cognitive assessment. Gratitude Practice Gratitude is […]

4 Tips to Reconnecting With Your Spouse After Kids

By Theresa Herring, LMFT For some couples, parenthood brings marital satisfaction, connection, and joy. However, after having kids, many couples find that their spouse feels more like a roommate than a partner. Conversations become about household tasks, logistics, and the kids. Which means intimacy, friendship, and romance often fall by the wayside. In fact, research […]

5 Ways to Decrease Low Back Pain

Low back pain. If you don’t have it, someone you know does. What can you do to help? Here are the top five things I tell my patients about low back pain and how to decrease it. Blame your boss In a longitudinal study on the causes of back pain, the Boeing company found the […]