Back to school can be an emotionally challenging time even under ordinary circumstances. With all the uncertainty with how back to school will look, in the past month I have seen both parents and kids who needed help managing the stress of back to school. Chiropractic First helps both children and adults better manage stress, […]
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RSS feed for this section4 ways to minimize allergies between your chiropractic treatments
This summer, allergies have been especially bad. What can you do to minimize your allergies? Chiropractic has helped a lot of people with allergies. At Chiropractic First, we see a lot of children and adults who have seasonal and dietary allergies. After getting adjusted, parents report that children sleep better. Some people have even been […]
4 Tips to Reconnecting With Your Spouse After Kids
By Theresa Herring, LMFT For some couples, parenthood brings marital satisfaction, connection, and joy. However, after having kids, many couples find that their spouse feels more like a roommate than a partner. Conversations become about household tasks, logistics, and the kids. Which means intimacy, friendship, and romance often fall by the wayside. In fact, research […]