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Please Avoid this Gift

As you are shopping this holiday season, please, please avoid buying, using or exposing your family to synthetically scented candles and other synthetic scented products like body lotion and bath products.   There are plenty of studies on the toxic effects of synthetically scented products, but clinically I can tell you fragrances can wreak havoc […]

3 Tips for Managing Back-To-School Uncertainty

Back to school can be an emotionally challenging time even under ordinary circumstances.  With all the uncertainty with how back to school will look, in the past month I have seen both parents and kids who needed help managing the stress of back to school. Chiropractic First helps both children and adults better manage stress, […]

Election Stress in Your Body

  Election stress hit people hard this week. It showed up as neck and shoulder pain, and hip and knee pain. In almost all cases, people worried about the election were only energetically present in the upper half of their bodies. They were taking high and shallow breaths and were disengaged with their body below […]

Five Essential Life Elements

Dr. Meggie Smith While pondering the immense fun my baby and I were having in our three days of summer this past week, I was reminded of just how important having regular fun is in life!  I find myself often telling students and clients that we have five essential elements in our lives in order to balance […]