Tools to Help with Fear and Anxiety

1. Wiggle your feet and your wrists. Moving the small joints of your body (like those in your fingers and toes) will trigger a neurological pathway in your brain that brings you back into your body. This will help you find the peace in your body.

2. Take a deep breath. And then hold it for a few seconds. Exhale. Wait a few seconds before taking another deep breath. You only need to hold your breath for three to five seconds. This will inspire a neurological reaction that will move you into a healing and relaxing state. 

3. Touch your right knee with your left hand. Then touch your left knee with your right hand. If you can raise your leg up so your knee meets your hand, that is even better! This “Cross Crawl” exercise requires communication between the left and right sides of your brain. When those two sides are connected, you are better able to be present to the world in front of you, instead of stuck in anxiety, fear, or anger.

Try these exercises the next time you feel overwhelmed. Read here to learn more about how chiropractic energy medicine can help you with your mood and well being. Or click here to schedule an appointment.

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