What is BGI and who is Dr. Will?
At Chiropractic First you are receiving a type of chiropractic care called Bio Geometric Integration. BGI is based on an awareness that your body is connected. And that it is easier to change and heal when you are in a state of peace and ease rather than defense. Anyone who has tried to have a conversation with a family member when they are angry knows that people don’t tend to change when they feel defensive. This is also true in your body. When you are in pain, or have experienced an injury, that part of your body is in a defensive state. It is protecting itself and thus, isn’t receptive to change.
However, your body is connected. And that means that the parts that are injured and hurting are connected to parts that are strong and open to change. By finding those connections, BGI can help you heal easily, because you are healing from a place of strength. You are healing through the parts of you that are open to change, rather than the parts that are locked up and injured. This is how BGI is able to be so gentle and so effective. We are working with your body, rather than against it.
At a very basic level, BGI is simply a map to the connections in your body. It is a map I learned from Dr. Sue Brown, the doctor who discovered these connections and created BGI. Dr. Will Vogds also studied with Dr. Brown.
Some of you met Dr. Will a few weeks ago when he came to Chiropractic First to see patients while I was gone. I was very happy to hear that I was not missed! Or at least, one of you reported that she enjoyed her adjustment with Dr. Will so much that she didn’t miss me one bit. And I could not have been happier to hear that! Because you all had such great experiences with him, I’ve asked Will to come adjust in the practice more often. It will free up more of my time to plan some of those educational workshops you have been asking me to give, as well as give you an opportunity to work with a really great doctor who will be able to provide a deeper perspective on your health and healing.
Dr. Will practices with our mentor, Dr. Sue Brown. She travels all over the world teaching and speaking about BGI. And when she does, she has Dr. Will adjust her patients. Truly you could not be in better hands than those of the doctor who a world renowned chiropractor trusts her patients to! Dr. Will is going to be with us two or three days a month. I’m really excited for you all to work with him and to get another perspective on your healing.
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