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Please Avoid this Gift

As you are shopping this holiday season, please, please avoid buying, using or exposing your family to synthetically scented candles and other synthetic scented products like body lotion and bath products.   There are plenty of studies on the toxic effects of synthetically scented products, but clinically I can tell you fragrances can wreak havoc […]

The Surprising Causes of Your Headaches

Last week a new patient came into the office looking for help with an old shoulder injury that continued to give him problems. As I began his examination, I noticed that the muscles and fascia were really tight in his injured shoulder. That muscle tension was preventing him from being able to lift his shoulder […]

Getting a massage: 5 Dos and Don’ts

Have you ever had a massage and felt worse afterwards? It is pretty common for patients to come hobbling into my office after a Groupon massage or a spa trip gone awry! Massages can be an enjoyable and helpful part of your self-care routine. Here are the most important things to look for when getting […]

children behavior

How to help your child with behavior, focus and patience

Children and young adults often seek out chiropractic care at Chiropractic First because they need help focusing at school, or they have trouble with impulse control and patience. Parents have reported that after chiropractic care their child practiced piano for longer stretches. Sports coaches have reported they noticed improvements in children’s ability to focus during […]

Tips for Using Essential Oils in the Bath

When I was writing last month’s blog post, I reached out to a colleague to ask about which essential oils were best to for putting in the bath. Her answer surprised me. She told me that putting essential oils directly in the bath is somewhat controversial. Oil and water don’t mix. So the oils will […]

Should You Use Ice or Heat For an Injury?

Whenever people injure themselves, they’re often not sure whether they should start with ice or heat on the injury to help them heal. The general rule is ice for the first 48 hours after injury. Heat after that. More specifically, ice and heat do opposite things and so should be used in very different situations. […]

7 Ways to Improve Your Chiropractic Adjustment

Chiropractic is an investment. If you’re going to spend time and money seeing a chiropractor, it makes sense that you’d want to make it as effective as possible. When you’re getting adjusted, the chiropractor isn’t the only one doing the work. There are things you can do to make the experience more effective. Here are […]

Chiropractic and Migraines

By Meggie Smith DC “Migraines frequently indicate a reaction of rage, a frustration that a person is experiencing due to feelings of not being able to control either another individual or a situation that he or she perceives as threatening.” – Caroline Myss I read that post on Caroline Myss’ Facebook page this weekend and […]

Life Before and After an Adjustment

Dr. Meggie Smith Have you noticed that when you are in pain everything seems bigger?  And after you get adjusted everything seems better and easier? That is because when you are in pain everything actually does hurt more. When you are suffering, your brain process sensory information differently. And after you get adjusted, your brain […]